Billing Software using Spring Boot. What is the dependency to setup Billing System in your local Machine?
I am developing a Billing System from the scratch using Spring boot which is absolutely free. You can download the code and play around with it on your Computer. For more info read this story.
Welcome back friends after long days, I have started writing Stories for my Billing System. This Billing Software 100% useful for those who are looking for Project Development experience using Spring Boot. The source code is available @ . You can download it from here. In order to learn about this Project Please watch the following channel and Subscribe to the Channel for regular updates on the Billing System.
The following link is having all Billing System-related videos in order manner. Please watch the video and grab the Spring Boot Project development knowledge using Billing System.
In order to set up the Billing System on your Local computer, you need to watch the following seven videos.
You don’t have to follow all 7 videos if you are familiar with Java Installation or already you have Java on your computer, you don’t have to watch that video so, watch the video that you need from the below video links. These complete videos explain how to set up the Billing System from the beginning.
Billing System using Spring Boot — Billing System project setup Introduction video PART1
Billing System using Spring Boot — Billing System Project setup PART 2 — Java Installation and setup
Billing System using Spring Boot — Billing System project setup PART3 — MySQL Installation and setup
Billing System using Spring Boot — Billing System Project setup PART4 — PostMan Installation
Billing System using Spring Boot — Project setup PART5 — IntelliJ Installation Lombok configuration
Billing System using Spring Boot — Billing System Project setup PART6 — DB Configuration
Billing System using Spring Boot PART7 Setting up Billing System in eclipse and configuring Lombok
After setting up the billing System, the Application runs well on your Local computer but you can’t play around with all endpoints which I implemented in the Billing System.
In order to do that, you have to create an Organization in your Billing System. While creating an Organization, it will create one user who is a Super Admin of the Billing System. Using Super Admin user can do anything in your Billing System. Let say if you want to create Employee, Customer, and Vendor you can do that. First, we need to create Organization, then you need to authentication using the Owner of the Organization then, you can start playing around with any endpoint which I implemented in the Billing System. Please watch the following video which explains how to create Organization and authorize the organization user (Owner)
Billing System using Spring Boot Creating Super Admin user when creating organization for first time
Please follow our ITGARDEN YouTube channel for Billing System Project development work using Spring Boot. The Project source code absolutely free. This project is very good for those who are looking for real-time project experience in Spring Boot. To understand the Billing System Project code, watch all Billing System-related YouTube videos from this link. Click Here
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